2d version of textured wall

The texture of the wall in my last blog is beautiful but not a reality in the world of 'bump in and tour'. It does, however remind me of the great ring curtains of the late 60s. Im exploring the notion of the clustered cylinders on the floor but upright against the back wall. it gives me the chance to create a light weight structure to be hung in the venues. The idea works conceptually and physically and now I work towards creating the aesthetic to work with the cylinders on the floor in clusters.

The questions that arise are: can i fill in some of the negative spaces between the circles... what material can it be constraucted from, should all the rings be the same profile thickness or do I play with that also. I like the idea of the objects cut from a closed cell foam with rigidity but light weight, attached together with jump rings (the type used in jewlery). The idea would be to make something which has toughness but not heavy or too weighty. This would be a great texture to light through or project on..... just needs more visual weight....

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